Annual Conference Shelby Noustens Annual Conference Shelby Noustens

Spreadsheets Make the World Turn

Come have an EXCELlent time learning about how to use spreadsheets to answer tricky management and ministry questions. I will share four different spreadsheets we have developed that make operating camp and unlocking financial mysteries effortless. Yes, the kitchen-cost-per-camper spreadsheet is one of them.

Presented by Julia Connelly Zahn

Come have an EXCELlent time learning about how to use spreadsheets to answer tricky management and ministry questions. I will share four different spreadsheets we have developed that make operating camp and unlocking financial mysteries effortless. Yes, the kitchen-cost-per-camper spreadsheet is one of them.

Presented by Julia Connelly Zahn

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Annual Conference Shelby Noustens Annual Conference Shelby Noustens

From Engagement to Advocacy

How can and should camp voices advocate for our beliefs and values, using our centers to engage in civil discourse beyond the church and across the aisle modeling Jesus’ kindness and urgency?

Presented by the Rev. Glenna Huber

How can camp voices advocate for our beliefs and values, using our centers to engage in civil discourse beyond the church and across the aisle modeling Jesus’ kindness and urgency?

Presented by the Rev. Glenna Huber

The Rev. Glenna Huber is currently Rector at Church of the Epiphany in downtown Washington D.C. For the past 15 years, Rev. Huber has served in a number of pastoral roles in Baltimore and Atlanta, including ecumenical and educational positions. Her positions have provided her with the opportunity to offer pastoral care and counsel to teachers, seniors and parents, and students from pre-school to high school. Rev. Huber is a sought-out lecturer and has addressed a wide range of subjects including, leadership in the church and in the community, faith and justice and systemic injustice, urban poverty, education, housing, redlining, racism and reconciliation. Glenna was our 2020 conference chaplain and serves on the Board of Directors at the Claggett Center.

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Annual Conference Shelby Noustens Annual Conference Shelby Noustens

Technology and Community at Camp: Messy Practicalities for a Year in Flux

This session will bring together wisdom from a variety of church settings relevant to forming camp community in person and online. Jerusalem will share learnings from across the church after a year spent hosting digital and hybrid gatherings and share a bit about how both science and our tradition can help inform and support “what comes next.” Kyle will share practical lessons from his research facilitating group media making in camp and other youth development settings.

This session will bring together wisdom from a variety of church settings relevant to forming camp community in person and online. Jerusalem will share learnings from across the church after a year spent hosting digital and hybrid gatherings and share a bit about how both science and our tradition can help inform and support “what comes next.” Kyle will share practical lessons from his research facilitating group media making in camp and other youth development settings. 

 Presented by Jerusalem Greer and Kyle Oliver 

Jerusalem Greer is a retired Camp Counselor, and the Staff Officer for Evangelism for The Episcopal Church in the Office of the Presiding Bishop. She is also a member of the Way of Love creation and leadership team and serves on Episcopal Relief & Development’s Council of Advice.  Jerusalem has authored two books and a host of curriculums. She lives with her family on hobby farm in rural Arkansas, where they are attempting to live a slower version of modern life. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. 

Kyle Oliver is an educational media producer and researcher. He studies and facilitates personal and collective meaning-making in faith and faith-adjacent settings. Currently he runs communications and teaches Christian formation at Church Divinity School of the Pacific and is a doctoral student at Teachers College, Columbia University. 

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Annual Conference Shelby Noustens Annual Conference Shelby Noustens

2020+1: The Equity, Diversity and Justice We Need Right Now

This session will focus on racial justice and equity, specifically through our young adult staff and in/for 2021.

Presented by Briana Mitchell and Makela Elvy from Smore Melanin

Briana has been a camp attendee since the age of six and a previous camp counselor and Teach for America Corps Member. Most importantly, Briana is a lifelong chaser of that ‘camp feeling’. She is the Director of AF Camp, a Change Summer camp where she works to create high-quality, summer opportunities for students that will increase their overall confidence, responsibility, curiosity, and independence.

Makela Elvy, M.Ed, is an environmental educator and camp enthusiast. Over the course of her career, Elvy has held camp positions ranging from head counselor to program manager. Her experience includes nature interpretation, curriculum development and the creation of a 10-week venture program rooted in experiential learning.

Looking through a 2021 lens, this session will cover the Equity, Diversity and Justice camps need right now. Specifically, the session will focus on the very real way social injustice in tandem with Covid-19 have disparately and profoundly impacted communities of color. Participants will gain an understanding of what this reality means for camps as we ask our campers and teams to bring their whole selves to our programs. Participants will walk away with what the work is that needs to be done, and practical steps of completing said work that will allow them to meet their folks where they are today and to set them up to thrive tomorrow.

Presented by Briana Mitchell and Makela Elvy from Smore Melanin

Briana Mitchell has been a camp attendee since the age of six and a previous camp counselor and Teach for America Corps member. She is the director of AF Camp, a Change Summer camp, where she works to create high-quality, summer opportunities for students that will increase their overall confidence, responsibility, curiosity, and independence. Following her time in the classroom, she has worked with several nonprofit organizations all aimed at helping students reach their full potential. Briana holds a B.A. in International Relations and a minor in Spanish from the University of Southern California (Fight On!). She holds a certificate in nonprofit management from the Leadership Institute for Nonprofit Executives at Rice University. In her spare time, she is also the co-founder of Smore Melanin - a platform dedicated to providing resources for BIPOC camp professionals. She will be presenting alongside Makela as S’more Melanin.

Makela Elvy, M. Ed, is an environmental educator and camp enthusiast. Along with Briana, she is also the co-founder of Smore Melanin - a platform dedicated to providing resources for BIPOC camp professionals. Over the course of her career, Makela has held camp positions ranging from head counselor to program manager. In addition to her experience writing environmental education, Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI), and workforce development curriculum, Makela’s professional experience also includes environmental justice advocacy, natural interpretation and the creation of a 10-week venture program rooted in experiential learning. Makela holds a M.Ed in Curriculum and Instruction from Concordia University with a focus on Environmental Education and a B.A in Environmental Geoscience, with a minor in women, sexuality and gender studies that guide her culturally relevant approach to curriculum development and public engagement. She will be presenting alongside Briana and S’more Melanin.

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Annual Conference Shelby Noustens Annual Conference Shelby Noustens

Balancing Business and Ministry: What We’ve Learned

How to live into your mission, keep the lights on AND meet payroll.

Presented by Brad Thompson

Brad Thompson has served as Executive Director of St. Columba Episcopal Camp and Retreat Center in Memphis, Tennessee, since 2011. Prior to his work at St. Columba, Brad was the Director of Camp Kanuga in Hendersonville, North Carolina for six years. Brad has served as the ECCC Board Treasurer for the past four years.

How to live into your mission, keep the lights on AND meet payroll.

Presented by Brad Thompson

Brad Thompson has served as Executive Director of St. Columba Episcopal Camp and Retreat Center in Memphis, Tennessee, since 2011. Prior to his work at St. Columba, Brad was the Director of Camp Kanuga in Hendersonville, North Carolina for six years. Brad has served as the ECCC Board Treasurer for the past four years.

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Annual Conference Shelby Noustens Annual Conference Shelby Noustens

How to Survive the Age of Recovery

How do we recover from the affects of closure and business disruption? How do we budget for the first part of 2021? What might the rest of the year look like? How does fundraising fit into this picture? How do we staff up responsibility to be ready for the return of business? How do we get back to where we were and how do we reimagine ourselves for the future?

How do we recover from the affects of closure and business disruption? How do we budget for the first part of 2021? What might the rest of the year look like? How does fundraising fit into this picture? How do we staff up responsibility to be ready for the return of business? How do we get back to where we were and how do we reimagine ourselves for the future?

Presented by Stuart Campbell

Stuart Campbell has been involved with Episcopal Camping for over 25 years and has served as the Executive Director of Galilee Episcopal Camp in the Diocese of Nevada for the last 13 years. He has served two terms on the ECCC board, 3 years as President, and is currently one of the consultants working within the Episcopal camping world to provide site assessments, strategic plans, and Executive Director searches for a variety of centers.

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Annual Conference Shelby Noustens Annual Conference Shelby Noustens

Utilizing Committees, Volunteers, Alumni

Engaging and leading volunteer and alumni groups sometimes is like a mirage: it looks like perfection but is seemingly impossible to find. In this session, we will explore some simple ways to increase alumni/volunteer participation and what tools exist to support us in our work. Participants will hopefully leave this session with a "next step" plan in mind. Bring your own stories of utilizing committees, volunteers, and alumni - we will learn with and from each other!

Engaging and leading volunteer and alumni groups sometimes is like a mirage: it looks like perfection but is seemingly impossible to find. In this session, we will explore some simple ways to increase alumni/volunteer participation and what tools exist to support us in our work. Participants will hopefully leave this session with a "next step" plan in mind. Bring your own stories of utilizing committees, volunteers, and alumni - we will learn with and from each other!

Presented by Paris Ball

Paris Ball is the Minister for Christian Formation in the Diocese of Virginia, and also serves as the Camp Director for Shrine Mont Camps. When she's not dreaming, scheming, or planning for camp, you can usually find Paris playing games and hanging out with her family.

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Annual Conference Shelby Noustens Annual Conference Shelby Noustens

Fundraising Beyond the Diocese: Turning Guests into Friends and Friends into Donors

During this session, we'll strengthen skills and learn strategies for building and maintaining relationships with guests in order to develop a culture of giving that goes beyond the Diocese.

During this session, we'll strengthen skills and learn strategies for building and maintaining relationships with guests in order to develop a culture of giving that goes beyond the Diocese.

Presented by Lauri SoJourner

Lauri has been executive director at Lake Logan in the Diocese of Western North Carolina since 2017. Prior to that she served as executive director at Gravatt Camp and Conference Center in Upper South Carolina for ten years. She believes strongly in the power of camp and retreat ministry and feels incredibly lucky to be able to carry out this ministry in the Episcopal Church in such a beautiful place. Lauri has a BA in English/ Professional Communications from Winthrop University, an MA in Student Personnel Administration from Ball State University, and a certificate in Nonprofit Management also from Winthrop. She teaches nonprofit business management for Compass Points Certificate Program for Camp and Retreat Leaders. Lauri lives at Lake Logan with her husband and three of their six children as well as a small farm of family pets. In her free time (ha!), she paints, reads, and visits local breweries and wineries with her husband.

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Annual Conference Shelby Noustens Annual Conference Shelby Noustens

Too Blessed To Be Stressed: Mental Health & Spirituality

LEAD's customized workshop with explore the relationship between religion and spirituality and mental health. Spirituality will be discussed as both a risk and protective factor for adolescent mental health. Moreover, we will discuss how summer camp is an opportunity to explore spirituality and religion in a safe and welcoming environment that builds resilience and fosters coping skills in campers and staff. Participants will walk away with additional resources and a self-care toolkit to use in a summer camp environment.

LEAD's customized workshop with explore the relationship between religion and spirituality and mental health. Spirituality will be discussed as both a risk and protective factor for adolescent mental health. Moreover, we will discuss how summer camp is an opportunity to explore spirituality and religion in a safe and welcoming environment that builds resilience and fosters coping skills in campers and staff. Participants will walk away with additional resources and a self-care toolkit to use in a summer camp environment.

Presented by Kyrah Altman

Kyrah Altman became the President and CEO of Let's Empower, Advocate and Do, Inc. (LEAD) at age 19. For over ten years, Kyrah has worked to alleviate untreated mental illness in adolescents across the United States. LEAD provides proactive mental health training and curriculum to schools, camps, and youth-serving organizations to build community resilience and promote adolescent wellbeing. In 2017, LEAD made a splash in the camp world by debuting, "Camp Mental Health Certification" to thousands of camp counselors and staff across the country - the nation's first early intervention course tailored to a summer camp environment. Since 2012, Kyrah has received numerous awards including the “Changemaker of the Year” and “Community Hero” award. Kyrah also serves as the nation’s youngest Camp Mental Health and Youth Mental Health First Aid instructor, keynote speaker and expert panelist for her organization, as well as a coach and mentor for MindSetGo.

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Annual Conference Shelby Noustens Annual Conference Shelby Noustens

Why History?

While items that live in boxes or file folders may seem like ancient history, they actually can inform and enliven your work today. And living in times we call unprecedented may mean precedents from the past are more important than ever, in areas from racial justice to public health. Let's explore together how your organization's history can bring new meaning, and sometimes insights, to ministry today.

While items that live in boxes or file folders may seem like ancient history, they actually can inform and enliven your work today. And living in times we call unprecedented may mean precedents from the past are more important than ever, in areas from racial justice to public health. Let's explore together how your organization's history can bring new meaning, and sometimes insights, to ministry today.

Presented by Melodie Woerman

Melodie Woerman is the director of communications for the Diocese of Kansas, with 27 years of experience in church communications. She is the immediate past president of Episcopal Communicators, the organization for communications professionals in the Episcopal Church. Melodie also is the diocese’s historiographer, holding a master’s degree in church history, along with a lifelong desire to know more about the people and events that have helped shape our world and lives.

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Annual Conference Shelby Noustens Annual Conference Shelby Noustens

Site Operations in a Changing Climate

How are we operating our centers sustainably in the face of climate change, doing things differently than we ever have before?

How are we operating our centers sustainably in the face of climate change, doing things differently than we ever have before?

Presented by Brian Sellers-Petersen

Brian Sellers-Petersen, author of Harvesting Abundance: Local Initiatives of Food and Faith, currently serves as Agrarian Missioner for the Diocese of Olympia in Washington state and Senior Advisor to the Society for the Increase of the Ministry based in New York. He is also a member of the General Convention Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Racism. Most of his career has been with international relief and development organizations including 18 years with Episcopal Relief & Development.

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Annual Conference Shelby Noustens Annual Conference Shelby Noustens

Creating an Inclusive Camp Environment Through Intersectional Philosophies and Practices

How can we create a space that is truly welcoming to the people we serve and live into our Episcopal values? This interactive workshop will provide you with tools to continue evolving towards a more inclusive environment at your center, through the intersectional philosophies and practices we’ve utilized at Camp Stevens.

How can we create a space that is truly welcoming to the people we serve and live into our Episcopal values? This interactive workshop will provide you with tools to continue evolving towards a more inclusive environment at your center, through the intersectional philosophies and practices we’ve utilized at Camp Stevens.

Presented by Chelsea Arcaris and Emma Simons-Araya

Emma Simons-Araya (she/her) is a farm and garden education manager at Camp Stevens. As a garden educator, Emma spends her days teaching and learning about the complexities of life, gender, and faith through the lenses of the natural world. Chelsea Arcaris (she/her) is the Business Manager at Camp Stevens. She is excited about searching for equity and justice through organizational policies and practices.

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Annual Conference Shelby Noustens Annual Conference Shelby Noustens

Mentorship and Its Value

Experienced leaders at centers and in ECCC can provide valuable information and advice to a new person at a center or just to someone stuck in a rut looking for new ideas. Check ins and calls can take place weekly, monthly, etc. The mentor and the mentee, both learn a lot and the time together connects the two of your for a last time. Please come to see what this workshop is all about and how it can help you and your center.

Experienced leaders at centers and in ECCC can provide valuable information and advice to a new person at a center or just to someone stuck in a rut looking for new ideas. Check ins and calls can take place weekly, monthly, etc. The mentor and the mentee, both learn a lot and the time together connects the two of your for a last time. Please come to see what this workshop is all about and how it can help you and your center.

Presented by Carla Odell

Carla Odell, CCCP Certified 2013, Carla has held the Executive Director position at DaySpring Episcopal Conference Center for 10 years. Yet, her 17 year tenure at DaySpring includes her work as a bookkeeper and as administrator. She is also a member of the ECCC (Episcopal Camps and Conference Center Association) and Iacca (International Association of Conference center Administrators), where she has served in several board positions. Carla's previous work experience includes teaching elementary grade levels and owning a software company for educational software for schools based for Hewlett Packard where she installed software and trained School District Employees. Carla has taught several IACCA and ECCC classes and workshops.

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