In an era where Episcopal faith communities are experiencing decline, ECCC member centers are growing. When we take the opportunity to step back and examine what is common among our members we find that they offer a freedom and flexibility that churches don't necessarily have available to them. We are not defined primarily by a formal church structure but by nature and neutral space, not by Sunday worship services but by every day faith experiences. Because of that, campers and participants have the opportunity to experience church without being within the walls of a church. Their faith experiences occur sitting under a blue sky, in a prayer circle, through social activities, continuing education and worship in spaces that are unique yet equally holy. Essentially, our centers offer an environment that allows people to ease into faith; that meet people where they are emotionally and spiritually outside of a traditional faith experience. This is especially for those who are apprehensive about religion or who have been hurt by the church. 

Today ECCC has over 140 continuing education programs and portfolio of resources that can be accessed on our website, at our annual conference workshops, through programs, seminar series, and retreats throughout the year. Participation is available in-person or virtually. Examples of continuing education resources, programs and services that address the most pressing needs of our members include:

Topics we have resources for in our member site!