Technology and Community at Camp: Messy Practicalities for a Year in Flux

This session will bring together wisdom from a variety of church settings relevant to forming camp community in person and online. Jerusalem will share learnings from across the church after a year spent hosting digital and hybrid gatherings and share a bit about how both science and our tradition can help inform and support “what comes next.” Kyle will share practical lessons from his research facilitating group media making in camp and other youth development settings. 

 Presented by Jerusalem Greer and Kyle Oliver 

Jerusalem Greer is a retired Camp Counselor, and the Staff Officer for Evangelism for The Episcopal Church in the Office of the Presiding Bishop. She is also a member of the Way of Love creation and leadership team and serves on Episcopal Relief & Development’s Council of Advice.  Jerusalem has authored two books and a host of curriculums. She lives with her family on hobby farm in rural Arkansas, where they are attempting to live a slower version of modern life. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. 

Kyle Oliver is an educational media producer and researcher. He studies and facilitates personal and collective meaning-making in faith and faith-adjacent settings. Currently he runs communications and teaches Christian formation at Church Divinity School of the Pacific and is a doctoral student at Teachers College, Columbia University. 


Conference Schedule


2020+1: The Equity, Diversity and Justice We Need Right Now