A message from ECCC's new Executive Director

Dear Friends,

It is an honor to have been selected as the new Executive Director for ECCC. Although I’ve been working for the organization for the last several months, I’m looking forward to working in a new capacity, collaborating with you to further outdoor ministries in The Episcopal Church and beyond. I’m passionate about working for social and environmental justice and to have the opportunity to support camps in becoming more inclusive, doing the work of creation care, and raising up diverse leadership.

As a former ECCC board member and center Executive Director, I had the privilege of working with both Peter Bergstrom and Bill Slocumb. Peter and Bill both helped build ECCC into what it is today, an essential ministry of The Episcopal Church. ECCC will continue to build upon this legacy, working alongside our board members, stellar staff member, Ashley, and our Episcopal and ecumenical Partners.

The Board and I aim to increase our capacity to provide the necessary advocacy, education and development to further our mission of sustaining and enhancing the ministry of all camps and conference centers of the Episcopal Church. I’m excited about what our future work together will bring.

Yours Faithfully,

Patty Olson-Lindsey
Executive Director


Sample Summer Camp Scholarship (Campership) Forms


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