General Convention

Episcopal Camps & Conference Centers will have a booth at the The 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church June 23 – 28, 2024 at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, KY. General Convention is the governing body of the Church that meets every three years. The legislature is composed of deputies (Lay and Clergy) and bishops from each diocese, who consider and vote on a wide range of important matters facing the Church

Some quick links to learn more about General Convention

Support the ECCC Resolution!

Resolved, That the 81st General
Convention recommends for The
Episcopal Church and Episcopal
entities to utilize Episcopal Conference
Centers when gathering for events,
whenever possible.

Be a part of the ECCC BOOTH

General Convention is an opportunity for the formative and essential camping and retreat ministries of the Episcopal Church to have a presence and a voice in front of the broader church, which we accomplish through our booth, the presentation of the Hero of Camping Ministry award, and Camp (or Center!) T-Shirt Day. We hope that every member program or center will contribute toward ECCC's presence at General Convention.

Why be a part of the booth? Around 10,000 people take part in General Convention. This gives opportunity for networking, advocating, and educating folks about our wonderful organization.

We hope that every member program or center will contribute toward ECCC's presence at General Convention. There are three ways to do so:


All ECCC member centers and programs will be included in the booth display on an interactive map, and are invited to submit pictures and videos to be shared on a screen at the booth. Please consider contributing $100 to support ECCC's presence on your behalf at General Convention. Supporting sponsors logos will be featured in booth artwork.


Your center or program is also invited to sponsor ECCC’s booth as a Featured Center ($750). Featured Centers will be prominently displayed in the booth's artwork, including with a photo and description of your center. You have the option to be present at the booth on your center's behalf, and to send marketing materials and/or swag to be handed out, and can send a promotional video to be displayed on a screen at the booth.


Or, your center or program can opt to be a Spotlight Center at the ECCC booth ($1,500) Spotlight Centers receive the same as Featured Centers and will also be specifically highlighted at the ECCC booth for one day during General Convention. You can choose to send a vertical banner to display as the Spotlighted Center of the day, along with materials to distribute, and essential bullet points for booth employees to highlight to booth visitors.

During the event, ECCC also coordinates a Camp (or Center!) T-Shirt Day, and will present the Hero of Camping Ministry Award in front of the House of Bishops. Please use this site to see who your diocesan delegates are, and be in touch to get each member a piece of clothing they can proudly wear to support your center on Camp (or Center!) T-Shirt Day (Tuesday, June 25th).

Questions? Contact us at