Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Resources: What do you need?

At the end of 2019, ECCC was awarded a Becoming Beloved Community grant to continue and deepen our organization’s work toward inclusivity, reconciliation, and representation.

This grant is enabling us to develop an anti-racism and inclusivity framework and toolkit for summer camps and retreat centers. With a design team in place, we will begin this work as soon as the COVID-19 crisis enables us to resume plans for our design retreat.

We need your questions and resources: When you consider diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts at your organization, what do you have, and what do you need?

  • What have you attended, compiled, bookmarked, or learned a lot from?

  • What books/articles/videos/podcasts have you been meaning to get to?

  • Has your diocese or local community offered something helpful?

Please send these our way! Offer your context and perspective, if you’d like, but it can also be a quick email with a list of links or titles. The design team will spend a significant amount of time compiling resources to empower all of our summer camps and retreat centers to work on inclusion initiatives.

Email your resources and questions to Ashley.


Prayers, Readings & Reflections from the ECCC Community


Habits of Grace: Weekly podcast with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry